Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dana Shadid on Ways to Build Social Capitol

From Dana Shadid, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Community Institute:

With the hard work of volunteers all across the state, Oklahoma has experienced a remarkable centennial year. Now it is time to take that passion and enthusiasm and focus on the future. What are your plans for 2008? Take a moment and think about it. It doesn’t have to be something huge – just something that can make a difference in you life, someone else’s life or the life of your community. Now is a great time to think of ways to build social capitol in your community. Here are just a few suggestions:

1. Eat breakfast at a local gathering spot every Saturday.
2. Invite local government officials to speak at your workplace.
3. Collect oral histories from your parents and other older community residents.
4. Form a “tools cooperative” with neighbors and share ladders, power saws, snow shovels, etc.
5. Volunteer for the next community clean up.
6. Take an art class with your family or friends.

Have you got any suggestions you'd like to add? Just click on "COMMENTS" below!

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