Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Oklahoma Women's Coalition Day at the Capitol a Great Success

The Oklahoma Women's Coalition's second annual Advocacy Day at the Capitol was great! Oklahoma Secretary of State Susan Savage and State Representative Lee Denney (see image left) got us off to a wonderful start. Then YWCA-OKC CEO Jan Peery explained that the OWC has elected to support two legislative matters so far this year. Click on images on left to enlarge.

The issues are passage of SB2998 and maintaining the current funding level for Oklahoma's domestic violence and sexual assault programs. Then we fanned out all over the State Capitol Building. We were back at the Oklahoma History Center by noon for a delicious lunch and a chance to hear from the four major candidates for Governor of Oklahoma this year: US Congresswoman Mary Fallin, Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins, Attorney General Drew Edmondson, and  Senator Randy Brogdon.

We were adjourned by 1 sharp but people stayed and visited as much useful networking took place!  We celebrated 28 organizational members including our two newest organizations: the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy and the Tulsa's Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc. Thanks to all who came and everyone who made this event a success. Special kudos to our Communications Chair, Quin Tran who had us all over the TV stations in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City leading up to today!

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